Spa Services
Grooming Services

Our Grooming Services are time-based. Prices start at $80 per hour. Our Bath services include a Nail Trim, Anal Gland Expression, & Ear Cleaning. Full Grooming Services include the Bath (and all its services) blow-out and haircut. Other factors such as demeanor or matting may affect pricing. Please request an estimate if you have any further questions regarding pricing. Please keep in mind if we have never groomed your dog, we will not be able to give an accurate quote over the phone.
Our wonderful groomers book out quickly during the year. Should you want an appointment and it is not available, please do the following. Schedule the next available appointment with your pet’s groomer to reserve a time. Then follow up by contacting us via text or call at 904-277-3075 or 904-468-2915 and let the Front Desk staff know that you have an appointment but would like to be added to our waiting list. We do have cancellations or openings that become available and we reach out to those on our waitlist. We update our waitlist daily. Please note that we can not hold a slot for more than 48 hours or your pet may be removed or dropped down the list. We try our best to accommodate everyone but we are only human. We love our Hot Paws Pups and thank you for your patronage!
Grooming Reservations
Here we go! Below is button that will take you through the grooming reservation process. We believe you will enjoy our new appointment process very much, but if you have any questions or problems please call 904-277-3075 to make your grooming appointment directly with a Hot Paws service representative. Thank you.
If you only wish to update an existing account or create a new one, simple click on the button below. If you wish to book an appointment click on the “BOOK IT!” button and begin your selection.